
Welcome to my blog site for TEAL on WHEELS!
My name is Donna Wiegle and I am a stage IV ovarian cancer patient.

Low XII Riders - June 2, 2019

Low XII Riders - June 2, 2019

On Sunday, June 2, Charlie and I were invited to ride in the 8th Annual Marvin Tarbox Charity Ride with the Low XII Riders Central Maine Chapter of the Ellsworth Masonic Lodge. I bought my teal and white Harley, a 2016 Heritage Classic, from Mike Springer, a member of the Masonic Lodge. Mike invited us to participate in the group ride, something neither Charlie or I had ever done before.

I’m pretty much a solo rider. My “group” riding consists of riding with Charlie, and on occasion one or two other riders, so riding with nearly 100 bikes was intimidating. I asked Mike Springer, who was the Road Captain, the leader of the pack, if I could ride up front with him. Being the awesome guy that he is, he said, “Sure.”

I was instructed to arrive at the lodge at 9am and the ride was to begin at 10am. There was lots of activities going on when I arrived. Lots of bikes and bikers were already there. Registration for the ride was happening, breakfast was being served, small groups greeting one another was happening inside and outside the lodge. Mike escorted me inside to meet Tom Spencer, the President of the Low XII Riders group. Tom would be presenting me with a check for TEAL on WHEELS during a short program before we saddled up and got on our way for an 88-mile ride down onto Mount Desert Island and then downeast to Milbridge where the Masonic Lodge there was hosting a lunch for us.

I made my way around introducing myself to many people. I’m a big hand shaker, but these men were huggers! I felt welcomed by them immediately, and by their ladies, too.

Charlie arrived about 40 minutes after me and I immediately gave him his assignment. He was to be in charge of getting some good pictures when Tom Spencer presented me with a check that the Low Riders voted to give me to help me with my TEAL on WHEELS Tour.

Finally, we all met by the newly installed flag pole and were led in The Pledge of Allegiance by Mike’s son, Robert, who has nearly completed all of the work to become an Eagle Scout. The installation of the very flag pole that we were standing and saluting was Robert’s Eagle Scout project just two weeks earlier.

President Tom Spencer called me forward, along with Mike Springer, who was the reason I was there in the first place. Tom introduced me and presented me with a check for $300. He gave me the opportunity to talk about TEAL on WHEELS and why I was raising money and making this cross country solo trip. Mike Springer announced that half of the 50/50 raffle money was also being given to TEAL on WHEELS and when the winner of the other half was drawn, he donated that money to my cause as well for an additional $245. Mike added that he and his wife Sidney were going to match the raffle money with a donation of their own. I was overcome by the generosity of these people. They didn’t know me, but they believed in me.

Our ride started right on schedule and as we exited onto Route 1 heading into Ellsworth, Mike in the lead and my riding second, I am sure the smile on my face was as big as it has ever been. The ride was carefully orchestrated with local police officers blocking traffic at major intersections so we could ride through as a group, nearly 100 bikes and trikes. As we approached Mount Desert Island, the fog lifted and as we entered onto Sargent Drive along Somes Sound and toward Northeast Harbor, the sun began to shine.

After a short stop in Trenton for gas, bathroom break, cigarette smoke if you needed it, and a drink (non alcoholic), we were on our way back to Ellsworth and headed for Route 1 toward Milbridge. As much as Mike slowed down several times, the rest of the pack seemed unable to keep up with us, so at times I felt like it was just me and Mike out for a ride. We arrived in Milbridge at the Masonic Lodge to a puzzled look by the “brothers” there. I think they were wondering where the rest of the group was. Before long, we could hear them coming and as they rounded the corner, bike after bike after bike, the Milbridge Mason jumped to action and quickly put more hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. I think it was a bigger crowd than they were expecting.

The comradery of the men and women were amazing! Spirited joking among the group, but also a deep sense of respect was obvious. I received a second check from the Milbridge Lodge. A very kind man gave me $200 cash for my trip! And the Low Riders XII Ladies gave me a Lady’s coin and instructed me to carry this with me on my trip. I was told all I would need to do is show this beautiful medallion and any Mason anywhere across the United States would come to my aid if I needed help…a Lady Mason insurance policy!

Charlie and I met so many wonderful people that day. I wish I could remember all of their faces and names, but there were just too many. Mike’s wife, Sidney, told me when I gave them my check for the bike purchase, that there wasn’t a better group to go with on my first group riding experience than the Low XII Riders. Sidney, you were so right!

Amazing Donors!

Amazing Donors!

Bought a Bike!

Bought a Bike!